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//Sweet diary
Thursday • 22:41 • 0 Sweet hearts

Best friends are like one soul sharing in two bodies.

Hi, Mira here. Welcome back! Hehe, for a longgggg time tak update blog. Rasa mcm tktahu nak cakap apa, haha! Okay refer to my post topic. Married? Siapa kahwin? Mira ke? 

Hahahahahahaha, forsure not me lah. Hehe, okay tenung gambar kat atas tu jap. Uhmmm haha cute en both of us? Kihkih *perasan* so, sebelah Mira tu Nur Akashah nama dia. Umur? Same like me, 18. But she is getting married soon. Me? I also don't know. Hihihi

Anyway, Kasha? CONGRATULATIONS! Don' forget me yea? Hehe. And don't forget me for the reception! Kau tak jemput aku siap kau! Hehehe gurau :*

Haaa tenenene! Tengok gmbar kat atas tu, dengan harapan aku dapat anak buah yg comel mcm aku. Ehh? Kahkah! Sorry ter-over. Ahahaha! Apapun, semoga bahagia bersama si dia :')

Agak sedih sebab kau dah berhenti kolej and tak stay dgn kitorang dah. Tapi takpe, as long kita still contact, takda masalah kan? Hehehe okay lah. Tu je kot hehe, jaga diri kashaa. Harap Dia permudahkan segalanya. Love u! :* 

"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out" 

Tuesday • 10:35 • 0 Sweet hearts

People always say do what makes you happy. What if killing people makes me happy? What then?

Um, hi. Remember me? Oh, it's still me, you know. I haven't changed. I'm still the same girl. You know, the girl who you tore to pieces. You know, the one you broke just like glass. I was the only one that you told you would never dream of hurting. Remember me? It's still me. I haven't changed. But you have.

You made a mistake, remember you pushed me away and left me there to stay. You want to say sorry for everything you did? You just forgot the promise that you said. Now, i'm not longer there, remember you finally lost the only one who cared.

Forget all about me. Remove me completely. Please, i don't want you back. 

Wednesday • 21:06 • 0 Sweet hearts

Love is not about how much you say 'I love you', but how much you can prove that it's true. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.

Everyone says that love hurts, but that's not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Everyone confuse these things with love.

Maybe sometimes love needs a second chance because it wasn't ready the first time around. Maybe you're not meant to be together today, but meant to be in the future.

Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad. But it's everything in between that makes it all worth living.

In reality, LOVE is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and make us feel wonderful again.

Sunday • 06:03 • 0 Sweet hearts

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

This is my true friend. She's awesome. She's adoreable. And I love her so badly. Hmm. I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than walk alone in the light. I don't wanna lose you momo. You are the most beautiful flower in my garden of friendship, remain the same forever! You are my bestfriend that I trust to tell all my secrets.Muah! :* Hikhik. 

Taraaaaaa! Hahah. Comel je. Mcm domo dgn saya. Hahahah. Seriousely domo, saya sayang awak. Jangan tinggalkan saya okay? Awak kawan paling awesome! :* By the way, sorry untuk salah faham haritu. First time kita gaduh kan? *kesat airmata* Time tu saya sedih sangat. Saya betul-betul rasa kehilangan. That moment saya tak boleh lupa. Time saya call nak mntak maaf, awak reject. Facebook pun awak deactive. Hukhuk *sedih* Saya minta maaf sangat ye? Nanti kita jumpa saya salam cium tangan awak eh? Hahah. K sorry annoying. Uuu....

Okaylah. I have no idea. Hehehe. Last word, thank you for our friendship. I love you i love you i love you! :* Much love, Angah (:

• 03:55 • 0 Sweet hearts

I love you  

Assalamualaikum and hi! Hahah. Ni nak cerita pasal adik pulak. Ni nama dia Ikhmal Hisyam. And his age was one four next year. Uuu besar dah ye awak dik *geleng kepala* Hikhik. By the way saje je buat blog ni. I knew him already in 5 years. First jumpa dia dekat primary school. Hahah. Lawak je. Dulu dia ni suka sangat berlari ....

Hahahaha. Taktahu la kenapa kalau nampak aku je dia lari. Saya bukan makan orang pun awak. Hahah. Tapi aku suka tengok dia. Dia comel. Handsome *mata ke atas tangan ke bahu* Hahaha. Joke! Ikhlas k. By the way, thanks for being my brother til now. I miss you badly lah Ikhmal! Uuu. But nevermind. Nasib baik rumah kita dah dekat sekarang. So senang lah jumpa. Hikhik. K penat ah. Hahaha. Okay ah. Jaga diri kay. Love you much!

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