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//Sweet diary
Sunday • 06:03 • 0 Sweet hearts

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

This is my true friend. She's awesome. She's adoreable. And I love her so badly. Hmm. I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than walk alone in the light. I don't wanna lose you momo. You are the most beautiful flower in my garden of friendship, remain the same forever! You are my bestfriend that I trust to tell all my secrets.Muah! :* Hikhik. 

Taraaaaaa! Hahah. Comel je. Mcm domo dgn saya. Hahahah. Seriousely domo, saya sayang awak. Jangan tinggalkan saya okay? Awak kawan paling awesome! :* By the way, sorry untuk salah faham haritu. First time kita gaduh kan? *kesat airmata* Time tu saya sedih sangat. Saya betul-betul rasa kehilangan. That moment saya tak boleh lupa. Time saya call nak mntak maaf, awak reject. Facebook pun awak deactive. Hukhuk *sedih* Saya minta maaf sangat ye? Nanti kita jumpa saya salam cium tangan awak eh? Hahah. K sorry annoying. Uuu....

Okaylah. I have no idea. Hehehe. Last word, thank you for our friendship. I love you i love you i love you! :* Much love, Angah (:

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