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//Sweet diary
Thursday • 22:41 • 0 Sweet hearts

Best friends are like one soul sharing in two bodies.

Hi, Mira here. Welcome back! Hehe, for a longgggg time tak update blog. Rasa mcm tktahu nak cakap apa, haha! Okay refer to my post topic. Married? Siapa kahwin? Mira ke? 

Hahahahahahaha, forsure not me lah. Hehe, okay tenung gambar kat atas tu jap. Uhmmm haha cute en both of us? Kihkih *perasan* so, sebelah Mira tu Nur Akashah nama dia. Umur? Same like me, 18. But she is getting married soon. Me? I also don't know. Hihihi

Anyway, Kasha? CONGRATULATIONS! Don' forget me yea? Hehe. And don't forget me for the reception! Kau tak jemput aku siap kau! Hehehe gurau :*

Haaa tenenene! Tengok gmbar kat atas tu, dengan harapan aku dapat anak buah yg comel mcm aku. Ehh? Kahkah! Sorry ter-over. Ahahaha! Apapun, semoga bahagia bersama si dia :')

Agak sedih sebab kau dah berhenti kolej and tak stay dgn kitorang dah. Tapi takpe, as long kita still contact, takda masalah kan? Hehehe okay lah. Tu je kot hehe, jaga diri kashaa. Harap Dia permudahkan segalanya. Love u! :* 

"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out" 

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